how does whatsapp earn money

Introduction to Whatsapp

how does whatsapp earn money

Whatsapp was made in February 2009. What you get to see now. So why WhatsApp was made in February 2009, it was made, that it will be kept very personal, there will be no advertisement in it, whoever made it, and you will have to pay $ 1 (70-55 rupees) for that year.

Whatsapp was totally free for the first year, But for the next year you have to pay 1 dollar($) for a year, you can use it free, you will not be shown any ad, You can run it happily whole year.

Its really nice, but later in 2014, Facebook bought WhatsApp in 19 billion dollars, and later its mixed with its Parent company Facebook it means the parent company was Facebook.

Now he wanted money from it, because he bought whatsapp and surely he want profit from it.

The most important thing in Technology in the whole world is Data, now Facebook company had a lot of data of people, because more people do use whatsapp, you can check anywhere, every people is present on whatsapp in current time. Whether he is not on Facebook but surely he is on Whatsapp or he is using Whatsapp, meaning the user base of whatsapp is very large. 

Then it was alleged on Facebook that Behavior of Facebook is not fair, Facebook is using Whatsapp user base, Their chats, their data and making their Facebook advertising more perfect, and creating targeted audiences using data analysis and data study of Whatsapp user base. By doing so, he is making his Advaratisemente more Perfect and fine. 

Now people will not understand this thing, what you checks or uses on Whatsapp, Whom you talk more, What is your age, Where are you from, then it collects all this data and tells the system here that people here like this, people there like this, According to this data they finds your Interest and Shows you ads on facebook according to your interest. 

It is alleged on Facebook that Facebook is making its ads good with data collected from whatsapp, through which it earns money through Facebook Advertisements.

Later they denied that Facebook is not collecting your WhatsApp data, and Countries from India to Europe had even lawsuit on Facebook, how you can collect data. Facebook cleared this thing that they are not doing this and then later they changed Whatsapp's Privacy Policy also that we are not collecting data.

how does whatsapp earn money

Whatsapp Business

So whatever you have now is you do not see direct aids, but now a new service was found Which is WhatsApp business, now it is another version of Whatsapp that people use, which is for businessmen. Who have to talk to their customers.

So they can use whatsapp Business now but the thing to keep in mind is, this is the version of whatsapp which is a bit different from normal whatsapp.It has automatic replies, meaning if someone messages you and wants to but something , then you can reply it on automatically

You can send that this is our product, that is the product. So, it is a premium service that is made for businessmen. Now it has been made for the businessmen, then businessmen may also have to pay for whatsapp business, they do not charge money for auto reply but if you use their premium service WhatsApp, then you may have to pay money for it.

So whatsapp first brought a lot of people, now whatsapp is earning money from those businessmen which are using Whatsapp Business premium services. If you you have to talk to customers on WhatsApp, then you will have to pay money for that. It became a way for WhatsApp to make money and this is the first query that how does whatsapp make money.

Whatsapp Money Transfer or Whatsapp Pay

Whatsapp also found out a new way to earn money from Whatsapp, that is WhatsApp's money transfer, shall you have heard that you can send money using Whatsapp, Whatsapp Pay or Whatsapp Money. Means platform is whatsapp but What else can be done on top of which money can be earned from Whatsapp.

First thing I told you Whatsapp bBusiness, other thing I told you Whatsapp Pay or Whatsapp Money.

You can send money from one Whatsapp user to another Whatsapp user using Whatsapp and the charges of sending money may also apply, this will help Whatsapp to earn. This will help whatsapp in earning money.

So whatsapp does not show ads directly, nor does it earn money by taking money directly from you, but rather see two models of earning money which are Whatsapp business and Whatsapp money. Whatsapp Money has not yet arrived in many countries of the world.

So later, many more Ideas can come out from Facebook Company or Whatsapp.

Here, the main assence is the place where more people are present on Internet, More money is present there.  Now think, There's a website with millions of visitors and there is another website which has less visitors. The both website will earn but the website with millions of visitors will earn more then the website which has less visitors. The whole game of earning money on internet is based on the internet.

If there is more user base, there is more money because any business runs if there is a large customer base, Who is Customer?, People, Where is People?, Social Media.

On the Social media, if you are not earning now, you can earn further by directing.

I had also heard the news that whatsapp is now showing ads but not shown, which is a good thing, and if the ad appears, then nobody will like Whatsapp, but Whatsapp will keep earning money using side ways or other methods.

I hope you understand how whatsapp earn money and how it is bringing new innovative ways without seeing you direct ad by keeping your data personal and private. 

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